Lahinch Golf Academy

The Short Game Academy and Indoor Performance Centre is located within 100 yards of the 1st tee on the Old Course. The Martin Hawtree -designed short game range, chipping and bunker greens are of the highest standard, and when you enter the extensive Performance Academy you will fully recognise the high quality of this facility, a quality underlined by the attention to detail to make this one of the best facilities in the world. It is the perfect setting for golfers of all ages, levels and abilities to enhance their golfing skills and warm up with a few shots before your round.

Our team of knowledgeable and experienced PGA professionals led by PGA Fellow Professional Donal McSweeney are here to provide you with the best experiences in the industry, tailored to your individual needs. Along with expert advice and state of the art facilities, the Indoor Performance Centre is equipped with the most advanced technology in the game including; TrackMan4,SAM PuttLab, SAM Balance Lab, slow-motion video analysis, Puttview and fitness equipment.